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- Utilizes GE#39,s unique range of resonant pressure sensor technology
- Pressure ranges 750#45,1150 mbar #40,10.9#45,16.7 psi#41, absolute
- Choice of precision up to 0.025 mbar/0.0003625 psi
- Data Logging as standard with on screen replay
- Selectable numeric or graphic display
- Airfield Task as standard: Display QFE, QFF or QNH in pressure units or as altitude in feet or meters
- High resolution colour touch screen operation
- Intuitive icon driven task menu structure
- RS232, IEEE connectivity, Ethernet and USB as standard
- Leak Test Option
- Switch Test/Analogue Output option
- Switch Test/Voltage Free Contact option
- Min/Max/Average display
- Compatible with software packages
- 28 selectable pressure units plus 4 user defined units
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